Monday, January 24, 2005
No Name-Calling Week
This is getting turned into a political mess, when in reality I think a very insidious picture is being missed. If schools make a point of cracking down on this behavior for a week, doesn't that essentially mean the administration gives its tacit approval to bullying for the rest of the year?
Don't you think there'd be a huge outcry if the governor declared "No Sexual Assault Week" or "No Lynching of Minorities Week"? Sure there would, because people would be out in force demanding that these things should be focused on all of the time. But, when the same thing occurs in the schools, granted on a lesser scale (or is it?), the schools are applauded for actually doing something, ANYTHING about the problem. Don't get me wrong, raising awareness is a good thing. But so is taking concrete steps to correct the problem and protect the children placed in their care, and unfortunately that is woefully lacking in these days when the memory of Columbine is fading.
Don't you think there'd be a huge outcry if the governor declared "No Sexual Assault Week" or "No Lynching of Minorities Week"? Sure there would, because people would be out in force demanding that these things should be focused on all of the time. But, when the same thing occurs in the schools, granted on a lesser scale (or is it?), the schools are applauded for actually doing something, ANYTHING about the problem. Don't get me wrong, raising awareness is a good thing. But so is taking concrete steps to correct the problem and protect the children placed in their care, and unfortunately that is woefully lacking in these days when the memory of Columbine is fading.