New Jen's Horde

Saturday, February 05, 2005

I love name generators!

As you can tell from my recent entry I am Serenity Sonic-De'ath!, I love name generators.

I am happy to have found a site that will generate names for both Elves and Hobbits! So, I let 'er rip and here we are!

I am Alatáriël Eledhwen-Telemnar or Marigold Brandybuck of Buckland
Davin is Elessar Eledhwen-Telemnar or Till Brandybuck of Buckland
Anya is Lúthien Eledhwen-Telemnar or Rosie-Posie Brandybuck of Buckland
Maya is Ireth Eledhwen-Telemnar or Primula Brandybuck of Buckland
Sage is Eldárwen Eledhwen-Telemnar or Ivy Brandybuck of Buckland
Tiernan is Maeglin Eledhwen-Telemnar or Todo Brandybuck of Buckland

If you try it, put your results in the comments if you would. I'd love to get to know you by your new names!

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