New Jen's Horde

Friday, April 15, 2005

Need more ideas for your 101 in 1001 list?

Or maybe you just want to make a shorter list?

This is 43 Things. They keep track of your list of 43 things you want to do, and even cross-reference them with other people, so you can see how many other people want to read the Bible (65), get out of debt (489) or learn how to shave with a straight razor (4).

As an aside, my super-masculine husband and occasional blogging partner, Davin, is very proficient at this and shaved exclusively with a straight razor for much of the early part of our marriage. He still has a face, and a handsome one at that!

I have to wonder about this one, "run photos of people I know through forensic age-progression software." It sounds really interesting, and I could see giving it a go if I could find the time and some free software, but I have to say that some of the goals listed on this site aren't as lofty as the ones I saw in the 101 in 1001 lists. Of course that's a generalizion, because as you know there was the whole Johnnie Walker Blue thing...

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