New Jen's Horde

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Saturday's Shampoo

Check it out! Heather, Julie, and I decided to play along with the blog meme game! We started our own :-)You can play too, if you want!

Lather: What is the most embarrassing family incident YOU WERE INVOLVED IN that you can recall? It can be something done to you, or by you.
This question came from Julie, and I'm sure SHE has some specific incidents in mind that she'd like me to name. Hmmmmm. Not many things really embarrass me, and I think a lot of things that would embarrass other people just sort of give me the chuckles (like the time I cleared the entire full-size van of extended family on a road trip to New York merely by "cheesing" as Laura at "My Own Private Idaho" calls it.)

One thing that I remember as being so embarrassing that it actually nearly made me wish I was dead was the time I took the girls (before Tiernan was born) to visit my Iowa relatives. Anya, who was nearly four at the time completely freaked out because one of her great-great aunts was missing some teeth. She started screaming at the top of her tiny lungs, "Mom, she has no teef!" I quietly leaned down and whispered, "It's okay Anya, don't worry about it," while everyone graciously pretended not to hear her in my grandma's little parlor. Anya just redoubled her efforts and screamed even louder, "NO IT IS NOT OK MAMA!!!! THAT WOMAN HAS NOOOOOOO TEEEEFFFFFFF!!!!!!" I ended up leading her into the bathroom, she was in tears and I was too! I had to calm her down and tell her that Aunt Maxine really was just fine, that some people just don't have all of their teeth and that it doesn't mean anything at all, and that we were both going to wash our faces and go right back out there and it was all going to be perfectly fine. Anya was fine, but I still cringe to think about it, even though everyone else, including Aunt Maxine, thought it was OK.

Rinse: Did you have a "lovey" (special blankie, stuffed animal, etc) as a child? Where is it now?
Not really. I had a really neat Raggedy Anne doll my mom made me that I took every where with me for a short time. But her face got ruined somehow and mom had to take her away for a while to fix her and by the time I got her back I just didn't really care about her anymore, even though I cried for her when she first went away. Isn't that weird? I don't know where she is now. I wish I had her today, just because my mom made her.

 Posted by Hello
Editing to Add:My sister found this picture of us receiving our Raggedy Anne dolls. Apparently they are a Christmas present, which I didn't remember... I don't know what's up with my goofy Hobbit face, but Julie looks cute in this one.

Repeat: Spread the blog love, what blogs have you seen lately that you think more people should be watching? Two of the blogs I watch consistently are the abovementioned My Own Private Idaho, which is always either funny or thought-provoking or both, and Shades of Pink, written by another Five in a Row mom who is kind, generous and fun to read!

OH Jen - Poor Anya! Seems like our kids are way to honest sometimes :)
ooohhh icky! I remember that "cheese". I think it was about 10 people you cleared out! On the side of the road. In NYC. V. memorable. :)
ooh you guys are soo cute
Yep, that was pretty amazing! I still say it was Mark and Hugo's fault, they started it!

Sheri, yours was very good, thanks for playing.

Heather, THAT'S what they mean by "Kids never lie!"
Amy, that's hilarious! You're right, that would make a good Shampoo question!

Here we say SBD, Silent But Deadly. I've never heard of SBV before, but I LOVE IT!
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