New Jen's Horde

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Tuesday is Chooseday

tuesday is chooseday

    Would you rather:
  1. eat earthworm cake OR ladybug ice cream?
    Obviously I'd rather the eat earthworm cake. It's been baked, and after you bake something you can hide all sorts of stuff in there. We've all probably eaten earthworms and other stuff in baked goods a million times. Ladybug ice cream, on the other hand, would no doubt be rather crunchy. Plus, you'd end up with legs stuck between your teeth. That's another benefit to the earthworms, no legs!
  2. punch your best friend in the face OR kick one of your parents in the shin?
  3. Since more of my friends read this blog than my parents, I'm going to say kick my parents in the shin. Mom? Dad? If you're reading this here's your chance to leave a comment!
  4. have your teeth turn brown OR your finger nails turn yellow?
  5. Duh, I'd rather have my nails turn yellow, for two reasons. One, they're temporary and will grow out eventually. And two, I can paint them until they do. Teeth, as I'm learning again and again, are permanent and once you screw them up you're stuck paying a gazillion dollars to fix them and to top it off they're never really right again...
  6. wear a tutu over everything OR wear a top hat all the time?
  7. I say tutu. It seems like it would be easier to sleep in. I'm guessing a top hat would be cool for a while, but it does say "all the time," and it would get annoying at night plus it would look pretty beat up after you've sleep-drooled on it and showered in it a few times.

You make me laugh :)
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