New Jen's Horde

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Does It Work?


A news program in Texas has been running out and buying all of those products advertised "As Seen On TV" and trying them out! They've already rated a ton of them and show no signs of stopping.

They really loved the Space Bags, but the IGIA Pore Cleanser was a big flop. The Hairagami, which they tested first on a guy on the crew, did so-so.

I'm waiting for them to do the Betty Crocker Bake'n Fill. Not that *I'll* have any luck with it, I can barely get regular cakes to come out of the pan...and Lord help us all if I actually have to frost it or do anything fancy like that. But, it would be nice to know if normal people can get this gadget to work.

Cool! They test stuff like that on one of our local channels too. I don't watch it enough to remember which one though. But I like that someone out there is brave enough to spend their money to test this stuff out.
Hey...let us know if they do the bendy bakeware! I've been wondering about those!
I only ventured into the "as seen on TV" realm once. I bought that dry cleaning tub that was supposed to magically dry clean clothing in the comfort of your own home. Living in an apartment at the time thought, "I gotta get me one of them puppies!"

It was very dissapointing...Especally when everything was still soiled, wrinkled and wet at the end...

Never again I said.....
Wow. That really seems like a colossal waste of time. I just can't be bothered to do stuff like that. Not since I struggled on the Blue cake for my son's 2nd bday--it looked sooo good. But he couldn't stop screaming when I cut into it, and he's been permanently scarred. Two years later he still cries hearing the birthday song. :(
Great blog!

The only As Seen On TV product that my wife and I really like is the Magic Bullet blender.

The infomercial is really cheesy, I think it's Australian. But the product is absolutely great. Those little mugs are great for everything from protein drinks to frappiccinos.

Seriously... put down the Ginsu knives, step away from the Liquid Leather repair kit, walk briskly past the Pocket Fisherman, and get thee to a Magic Bullet.

Or not, it's your money.

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