New Jen's Horde

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Edgar Ray Killen convicted and sentenced to 60 years

The killings he is convicted of were committed in 1964, Killen is 80 now. Gotta love the fact that there is no statute of limitations on murder! CNN has a good article including how the judge felt about taking Killen's age into consideration while deciding his sentence:

NPR has an interesting audio piece, covering reactions from the courthouse and the feelings of the people in a town notorious for these killings, especially since the 1988 film Mississippi Burning brought renewed interest to the case.

A couple of minutes into the interview, someone in the background had a phone ringing with MY EXACT RINGTONE. Make me crazy! Took me a minute to figure out it wasn't me. I guess it's better that the person let their phone go, that would have been even more annoying to hear him in the background saying, "Hey, honey! Yeah, he just got 60 years, and now I'm watching them interview some guy's brother or something... Oh uh huh? No, I left them on the dresser. No? Look on the bathroom counter. Oh good. I'll be home by 6, do you want me to pick up Taco Bell? Extra sour cream, got it. Love you too!"

it's about time!
"In a 1967 federal trial, an all-white jury deadlocked 11-1 in favor of convicting Killen. The holdout said she could not vote to convict a preacher."

Had the "holdout" given in this guy would only be 19 years from the end of his sentence.

Of course he's gonna have fun in prison with his favorite kind of people. They may have to put him in solitary to keep him safe.
Took them long enough.
Thank goodness. it seems like time has stood still for all these years. Finally a step forward.

best wishes marie
In response to your response on my comments...I am able to get copies of the new Dr Who episodes by the wonders of filesharing and BitTorrent.
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