New Jen's Horde

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Oh man, breathe deep Jen...

I know this is one of God's creatures, but I wish I hadn't found it on my sliding glass door.

Awww, what a cutie!
eeuuuwwwccchhh! Dad has a few of those on his front porch--Scott said it looked like they had skulls on their backs.
Did you squish it?
No, we didn't squish it. We put it in a jar with leaves and sticks and brought it inside to identify. I've had to get over a lot of squeamishness in the name of homeschooling...
Do you have to give me already dead women and spiders to worry about ;-)
I miss Boris!
Spiders in my house or near the doors trying to get in are dead spiders around here. We've seen enough at the butterfly pavilion to cover the learning part.
Unfortunately, my dog just plays with them instead of killing them for me (our last dog was a great bug killer...this one pbththth!)
So I have to be the executioner. DD is too scared of all bugs to do the smushing herself. I've tried to get her to do it but it's just not working. I believe that my mom would just not budge on making me do the smushing, but DD is pretty darned determined to not do it to the point that she'll just let them get away! GRRR
PS. I found out as a teenager that the reason my Mom was so determined to make me do my own bug smushing is that she is terrified of spiders! She found one in the pantry and made me come smush it for her. I had a good laugh and smushed it.
I'm still scared of spiders, but I can manage to smush them.
What creaps me out is the webs...I walked though one as a kid and the spider came and bit me on the neck. Now even my own hair falling on my arms gives me the heebie jeebies!
Whoa! I would have had to call the wife to take care of that one.
Oh, my, yuck! Thanks goodness it's harmless to humans. Now as long as they don't have nine lives...
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