New Jen's Horde

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Image Scavenger Hunt

I saw this over at Barry's blog and it just looked like such a hoot I couldn't pass it up.

First you go to Google Image Search and look up the following categories. Post the first (appropriate) picture that comes up for each question. Have at it!

-The name of the town where you grew up:
I am a proud graduate of Evergreen High School, class of '88. OK, I wasn't proud at the time, just glad to get out of such a little town. It was a nice place, but at the time they didn't have a movie theater or anything and on Saturday nights the kids hung out in front of the 7-11. Yep.

-The name of the town where you live now:
It's an eagle landing, but for a long time before I moved here I thought it was some sort of freaky running bird. Watch out Wyle E. Coyote's after you! If he catches you, you're through...

-Your name:
This is Jennifer Love Hewitt.

-Your Grandmother's name (pick one):Wanda
This is the first photo for the name "Wanda." Apparently Grandma was a scantily dressed alien lifeform. Grandpa knows how to pick 'em!

-Your favorite food:

-Your favorite drink:
I typed in Diet Coke, I got Diet Coke with Bacon. Frightening.

-Your favorite song:
"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."

-Your favorite smell:
clean baby
This is what was first when I entered "clean baby." Who doesn't love that clean baby smell? Especially when they're brand new and their hair is just fluff and even their poo isn't all that stinky... So wonderful.

ooh awesome I wanna play- later though
That's a great game..are you Jennifer Love Hewitt?
i miei-I'll check later!

better-It IS weird what you get, isn't it?

Captain Picard-Now, I don't even look a little like Jennifer Love Hewitt. That would be nice though...
I've seen others do this Google image thing. I will do it some day on my blog too.
I agree with you about babies. Newborn babies smell the best. Their little heads smell so sweet. Too bad it doesn't last that long. All babies and toddlers fresh from the tub, wrapped up tightly in a towel smell so good. You just hold them tightly and wish they'd stay little forever.
Diet Coke with bacon ? Nuh uh.

I did this on my Xanga once and it was a blast.

Thanks for your nice comments over at my HSB've no idea how much I appreciate them!

Any idea how I get the twins back on a similar schedule? They seem to believe that they are individual people who were just born at the same time and demand to be different. GrRRRR!
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