New Jen's Horde

Friday, April 07, 2006


Over the past three weeks, Davin has been out of town for two. I bet you couldn't even tell from my blog that I've been a holding down the fort, homeschooling 4 kids all by myself for these weeks! I bet I didn't even seem a little bit crazy, did I? Or, at least no weirder than normal.

Everyone says not to tell on the internet if you're going to be home alone. But, I guess it's safe now! Perverts, you have about an hour to come and break in and kill us (or worse!), because right now as I type, according to Flightview, Davin is over Des Moines and headed west at 511 miles per hour. That's 822 kilometers per hour for you metric perverts. You'll never make it...

I may not be around much this weekend. I plan to be sleeping. A lot.

I agree; who wants metrication?
I hope you got some rest!
You've had that pain in the butt because you've been overwhelmed by the kids and homeschooling without being able to tag team responsibility with Davin.
Now that he's home, your butt should be feeling better. Davin, the Butt Whisperer.
I'll tell him you think so, JD.

Thanks everyone, I did get a lot of rest, I'm feeling pretty good!
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