New Jen's Horde

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Old news

I know that most of you are probably already aware of, but I just had so much fun going through it yesterday that I thought I'd put it out there again in case you've missed it or haven't been back lately.

According to the website, "Engrish can be simply defined as the humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising and product design." That doesn't sound funny, but MAN this site is always hilarious.

Sometimes you can tell what they were TRYING to say, for instance this lemon drink which appears to have a phonetical spelling mistake on it, or this restroom sign that is saying pretty much what they mean, but, well, you'll see. And then there are some that I just don't get.

I gotta go, I want to order myself this t-shirt, the sentiment is about perfect for wearing around the Horde...


There's nothing like a refleshing drink on a hot day.

That restroom one is just tooooo funny!!

A couple of years ago when Courtney and I were in Korea, I went to the hotel's front desk in need of a two-pronged plug adapter, and I said this:

"Do you have a two plonged prug adapter?"

I got so tickled by what I'd said, but I could tell the guy behind the counter had no idea what I was smiling about.
I think their Engrish was rubbing off on me!! :)
The one you said you didn't get is probably supposed to be Thunder Clap.

That would make sense on a box of fire works.
You are so smart, Dad. Why did I ever doubt you?

Yes, Thunder Clap. That's not nearly so funny...
reminds me of the Free Market...I'll have to show you the signs. LOL

Today at the button place they had signs in the bathroom telling the employees to please flush the toilet paper instead of putting it in the trash can...which is customary in Asia as their pipes can not handle TP.
English can get very mangled abroard.
I love this site. When we were first married we taught English in Japan and we saw crazy engrish (mainly on t-shirts) all the time.
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