Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Numbers Thirteen

1. When I got married, I left college with ONE semester to go. Everyone told me not to, but I wouldn't listen. How can you get that close to graduating, and still be so dumb? ;-)
2. I have TWO moles on my face. I hate them and should probably have them removed, but I'm too lazy to do that. Does anyone know anything about getting that done? Would you make an appointment for me?
3. I learned to read when I was THREE. I don't have any actual memories of not being able to read something.
4. I have FOUR children.
5. Well, FIVE children, if you count the miscarriage the cycle before we got the twins. That was such a sad time.
6. I have lived in my house for SIX years, and I'm never moving out. I'm going to die in this house. I'll only move if my house burns down and I can just move in somewhere else and start fresh...
7. Davin and I have been members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for SEVEN months now. I'm actually starting to feel like I know what's going on, I've even spoken in front of our ward and prepared funeral potatoes for a potluck!
8. I was born in the EIGHTH month of 1970. My sister was born in the EIGHTH month of 1971. That sort of took mom by surprise.
9. My hair has grown NINE inches...
10. the last TEN months. I've been trying to take good care of it since I found the Long Hair Community forums. Those people are deadly serious about hair.
11. We moved to Colorado when I was ELEVEN, before that I lived in Indiana.
12. If I had my way, I'd sleep in until TWELVE every day. Or later. I'm convinced that Heavenly Father intended for me to be nocturnal, I just don't really perk up until after 6 pm or so.
13. Well, look at that, I thought of THIRTEEN things to share about! OK, this last one is cheesy. Sue me.
I didn't actually think of this idea for a 13. I know I saw some other blogger did it first, but I can't remember who! If the person who originally did this surfs through, will you let me know and I'll credit you for the idea? Thanks!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Wow, you're so creative!
I love your list...and I like you (based on the great facts about you I've just read here ;-D)
I love your list...and I like you (based on the great facts about you I've just read here ;-D)
I've had two moles removed from my face. If you get a good dermitologist to do it, you won't even notice. Being born and raised in Southern California, growing up I lived for my tan. My doctor said my moles could easily turn cancerous so it was better to remove them. I'm glad I did!
Great idea for a TT, I have not done one in a longgggg time, I have been bad lol.
Happy Friday ( well it is for me lol)
Happy Friday ( well it is for me lol)
This is such a COOL (or kewl as my kids would say) idea for a list! I love it!! I learned to read when I was three and have four children, too! I, like you, also lost one. My third daughter was twins and I lost one of the babies at 15 weeks. They said I'd never carry the other one to term. They were very, very wrong!!!!
Really enjoyed your post!!! Happy TT!
Jessica The Rock Chick
Really enjoyed your post!!! Happy TT!
Jessica The Rock Chick
Hey, cool! I never knew about that long hair community. I haven't cut my hair in 17 years but I think it's stopped growing.
Happy TT!
Happy TT!
Ha! Very clever. I've been growing out my hair for some time, but I don't know that it's grown that fast!
Very clever!
And thanks for the potato recipe. I'll add it to my list of easy & quick side dishes which look tasty despite beng tagged with a horrible name ;-)
And thanks for the potato recipe. I'll add it to my list of easy & quick side dishes which look tasty despite beng tagged with a horrible name ;-)
What?! Number seven blows me away! You were baptized seven months ago? When you commented on my blog about my "ward" I thought you must have a friend who is LDS (btw, there are no other triplets in our ward, and everyone is very excited to help us out - thank goodness for Relief Society!).
Talking in church is tough and I grew up doing it. I bet you were great!
Talking in church is tough and I grew up doing it. I bet you were great!
We're totally almost twins, Jen. I even got my hair done like you; I must be a Jen groupie.
Seriously, thanks for sharing. And do come by when you make that trip to the Stanley Hotel; we're too close not to visit.
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Seriously, thanks for sharing. And do come by when you make that trip to the Stanley Hotel; we're too close not to visit.
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