New Jen's Horde

Monday, July 04, 2005

Yarn addiction ruining your family?

Try frogging sweaters to feed your habit!

"Frogging" is a term that means unraveling. It's because you rip-it, and that sounds like ribbit, get it?

Frogging used sweaters and other knit garments can be a frugal way to get usable yarn, but it can be tough to do. But, if this interests you, fear not! There's a great tutorial by a newlywed named Ashley showing exactly what kind of sweater to look for and how to do it. She even backs it up with a super FAQ in case you have questions or problems.

I love to knit and crochet, and look for any means quiet the monkey on my back.

this is awesome information, thanks for sharing!!

found you through blog explosion!
wow... um, i guess the internet really does have everything
M Hippies, I thought it was cool, glad you liked it!

Seniorgato, scary what's out there, isn't it?
Great info, Jen.
My monkey got so bad that I once tried crocheting up my daughter's hair (that may explain why she's liking to wear it short now). Oh, and then there's the time I tried crocheting with licorice (that was a yummy experiment) ... Yep, we addicts need to stick together and figure out where we'll be getting our next fix! LOL
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